We have many wonderful volunteers at Holliday Park. There are in this world, those who find the act of serving their neighbors, and their community, whether it is with word, deed, or just time spent listening and reassuring; to be as natural and necessary as breathing in and out.

These volunteers are extraordinary or you might say, outstanding! It is often hard to express a realization for the gift that some give unselfishly and without regard for the effort and time involved. Years slip by, and their quiet support, leadership, hard work ethic and patience becomes such a constant in our lives that we take them for granted and consider them part of the overall experience of cooperative living.

How do we thank these selfless givers, and doers of countless good deeds, for all that they have given wholeheartedly? We sometimes try, but never seem to reach the measure of gratitude that expresses appropriate sentiment. Here is one tribute that comes as close as possible to putting words to the debt that is owed to these treasured people.

Holliday Park is very fortunate to have over 300 volunteers who give of their time and talent. Each one, in his or her own way, is indispensable to Holliday Park. We cannot get along without them. Some volunteers serve for one year, others for 5 or 10 or 15 years or more. Each volunteer is precious.

However, there is one couple who has volunteered in Holliday Park since 1976, and is still continuing to do so. We would like to single them out for dedicating over three decades of their life volunteering at Holliday Park. Persevering that many years as a volunteer is phenomenal!

The tribute included in this blog, was written by our members, Wilma and Bill M., a few years ago. This Tribute is in no way meant to diminish the efforts of all the other volunteers at Holliday Park; but we thought that 33 years of service deserved special recognition.

To Jan and Gene, Heart and Soul of Holliday Park !

Thanks To You Both For:
Hospitality. Always the gracious host and hostess at any Holliday Park Event.
Organizational skills: Be it a spreadsheet ledger or Holliday Park Travel, you both always knew what is needed to be done, and did it.
Lovers of our community.
Lovers of travel.
Inspiration: You both inspired us all to be more active and involved in our Holliday Park community.
Dreamers and Doers: You had the dream of a wonderful place to live, and the determination to get the job done.
Always there: Working for the good of our community, day and night, twenty four/seven.
Young at Heart: Fun-loving and joyful.

atient and protective of our good life at Holliday Park.
Alert and aware of the temperature and wellness of Holliday Park.
Resourceful, Respectful, and Responsible.
Kind to everyone, and knowledgeable about all kinds of things.


I became acquainted with the Public School System through Churchill High School in 2007. My son had always attended a private Christian school but wanted to try the public high school. He started at Churchill High School in the fall of 2007 and I started volunteering in the school library twice a week. I wanted to know something about the public school life myself because I didn’t have a clue.

I found the teachers and the staff more than willing to help students succeed. The ladies I worked with in the library always were ready to help students find books, research, help with their computers, anything the students needed. There is an atmosphere of learning at Churchill and fun. The teachers and staff participate and encourage students to get involved with groups, sports, numerous activities during and after school. The halls of the high school are full of pictures of students, colorful bulletin boards and announcements of what is going on.

The Counseling Department at Churchill is there to help students succeed also. They have a wealth of information for current classes, requirements for graduation and future college acceptance. My son’s counselor has an open-door policy. I have stopped in many times and talked with him. He has always been willing to help and encourage us. I would say it is a privilege to attend Churchill High School.

There is a police officer from the Livonia Police Department that is on the Churchill campus every day. There are no guarantees on any campus that there will not be problems. It is good to know that there is someone there who is trained to handle situations that could get out of hand. There is also a team of people who walk the halls during the day making sure students are where they should be, and that they have the required passes to be out of class. My son has never mentioned feeling unsafe at Churchill.

The Livonia Career Center is also part of the Livonia Churchill High School. Students from Stevenson, Franklin, and even students from Northville High School attend numerous classes focused on certain career paths. The Career Center offers classes in the medical field, criminal justice, web design, CAD, building trades, auto tech, fashion merchandising, marketing and so much more. The second year building trade students actually build houses. You may catch their signs on Newburgh Road and Joy Road where their houses are located. Students of the Livonia Public School System can take advantage of an incredible number of opportunities!

Livonia Churchill High School also houses the MSC Program for students that excel in Math, Science and Computers. These students meet very high standards and requirements to participate in these classes. Students can also take Advanced Placement classes, if they are “invited” to do so, and earn college credits, while attending high school. Imagine graduating from high school with college credit!

I would highly recommend the Livonia Churchill High School to any parent who is considering sending their student to public school. It is not a perfect place but the advantages and opportunities are numerous. Getting involved in your student’s school is also an advantage. The benefits and opportunities at Churchill High School are almost endless.

Westland continues to move forward in these challenging economic times. Through the vigorous efforts of city officials and lawmakers at the State level, coupled with the close proximity that our city has to Metropolitan Airport, it was recently announced that Westland would be one of the four train stops for the proposed commuter rail service.

Why is this more great news for Westland? According to a recent article in the Westland Observer, there will be four scheduled round trips every day from the New Center area downtown, to Dearborn, on to Westland, then a stop in Ypsilanti with a final destination being in Ann Arbor. The site is about four miles north of Metro Airport. A building on the site is used as a library for the blind and may be shared as a station; or the commuter rail project may build a different shelter for passengers, according to Carmine Palombo, director of transportation programs for the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments.

Commuters who live in any of the these cities and work downtown, will now be afforded the opportunity to have mass transit access to work, and have not only that convenience, but will also cut their fuel costs, and help the environment at the same time.

A bus shuttle service will be provided for commuters from our train stop at Michigan Avenue and Henry Ruff, directly to the airport. This shuttle service could be provided by private businesses or a public agency, or perhaps both, which is good news for the city. It is estimated that more than 30 million people come into Metropolitan Airport every year. The Westland location will be developed to house the train stop; and hopefully, businesses that provide services to commuters such as restaurants, convenience stores, and others will want to locate in this up and coming area as well. Right now the project is slated to last from three to five years, on a trial basis. The transportation department hopes that this mass transit system will have the support and ridership of a great number of commuters, and will prove its value to all four communities.

There are still many challenges to be met in getting the proper funds in place for the upkeep of the freight train tracks that will be used. The Norfolk Southern Railway has completed a study which maps out how freight trains and Amtrak Trains will share the current railway system. There may be four round trips to all of these destinations at first, and then, as many as 8 or 10 more round-trips will be scheduled if commuters take advantage of this mass transit opportunity.

The other communities which have been involved in the planning process for this new commuter system for almost ten years, such as Dearborn and Ann Arbor officials, are very optimistic that other stops at various stations will be added to these existing Amtrak Stations; and are very hopeful that one station will be located near the University of Michigan Medical Center, which is visited by thousands of residents from all of the other locations, every year.

The prospects for creating not only resident mass transit, new jobs, and perhaps more housing in Westland and the surrounding communities, is such good news. We are proud of our city officials, the Mayor, and the State Legislators who got involved and kept the interest alive for the time it took to get this Train Station Project off the ground and now almost to its completion.

The City of Westland is “An All American City,” as our motto states. Even when the economy is challenging, the City leaders continue to meet and exceed the expectations of the citizens. Holliday Park is proud of its location, in this fine and forward thinking community.

There was a time when I was away from my home, Holliday Park, for many hours a day. I had no idea what occurred there while I was at work or asleep. I knew that I lived in a well-kept complex that was usually peaceful, quiet, and very, very economical. I was also aware that this lifestyle was an unmerited blessing in my life.

One day I made a decision to become as supportive as my time and energy would allow. I became a volunteer, like many before me and alongside of me, had done. I then learned how economically dependent Holliday Park is on its volunteers. Think of paying an employee to do the work that our volunteers do, and imagine the rent/carrying charges that would have to be raised to meet a larger payroll, when instead, our own volunteers charge nothing at all.

Everyday, including weekends, volunteers work to maintain safety, good citizenship, cleanliness and order at Holliday Park.

• At certain times of the year, when the Status Quo needs to be published (quarterly,) or when elections are held; or during the summer months when the Grounds Committee and Pool Group, work to make the Co-op beautiful and to give every member their pool and guest passes that are requested, the weekly volunteer hours skyrocket.

• Monday after Monday, “breakfast-preparers” faithfully take responsibility for a nice social gathering that others can regularly attend and enjoy.

The Night Patrols work every evening, all year long. The Community  Watch Program is kept going by teams of volunteers who forego a few hours of sleep three or four times a year, to keep our complex one of the safest places in Westland.

The Membership Committee meets for ongoing business to approve new applicants; and attend to membership requests, census form updates, and other necessary clerical tasks, often several times a month.

Valiant Bin Workers do a basic and often unappreciated task that keeps Holliday Park clean.

• Many responsibilities are handled all year long by the Building and Grounds Committee, who help keep Holliday Park looking its best.

The Traffic & Safety Committee does a great job in all 27 lots, to find solutions to any and all Parking Lot issues.

• There are also Social Clubs which are run by volunteers to add so much spirit to our community. These include the following clubs: Movie, Golf, Koffee Klutch, a variety of Card Games, Bowling, Tennis, Dominoes, Bunco, Book Club and Travel.

• A small group of volunteers prepare the clubhouse for the Annual Volunteer Dinner, which grows larger, and takes more preparation every year.

The Welcome Group coordinates the greeting of every new neighbor by assigning a designee to each Parking Lot, and alerting them when someone is about to join us.

• Other members serve on adhoc Work Groups whenever a special need for help arises, and the Board has a special task that needs some extra assistance.

Who are our Volunteers? They are people like you. Maybe YOU are a volunteer where you live. As volunteers we do the best we can, sometimes blundering just a little bit, or having to seek directions from others; but always working for the good of all of us in this special community of caring people. The mutual respect that has been gained by all of our volunteers, is earned and appreciated; and, because we are an “all for one” neighborhood, special warmth of spirit is always present as we interact.

Our volunteers prove their value to the cooperative each time they give service or express interest in the needs and activities that are taking place. The one qualification required for these jobs is an optimistic attitude. In the act of volunteering, you, the giver are enriched as much as the receiver. Everyone’s day has exactly the same number of hours; yet volunteers seem to find extra time. ACTIONS speak louder than words – or dollars!!

We hope that YOU will be a volunteer when you become a member of our cooperative.

Going Green at Holliday Park to reduce our Carbon Footprint is essential!! We, at this cooperative, are one tiny element in the global effort to conserve and reduce pollutants. Every one of us can do simple things in our units to “GO GREEN”!! For instance, we can try to use more cross ventilation for cooling our homes on days when it is not too hot; or dialing back our air condition just two degrees, makes a huge difference. Also, if you close your window coverings on the south and west side of your home when the sun is beating down, you can keep your home much cooler, naturally.

Changing your light bulbs from the standard types to compact fluorescent bulbs is a quick and simple fix. They use 1/3rd the power of regular light bulbs and last twice as long. If we all would change only ONE BULB in every home throughout America, we could conserve enough energy to light 2.5 million homes for a year. Using Microbial- Resistant paint when you update your unit at Holliday Park reduces the amount of chemicals released into the environment. These paints are available at all the home stores, and they aren’t expensive.

When brushing your teeth, turn the water off while you brush. When you shower, try to reduce the length of your shower by four or five minutes, as often as possible. Only run your dishwasher when it is completely filled with dishes. If your unit at Holliday Park does not have sprinklers, and you water the lawn — once a week for an amount of time that gives you an inch of water is enough for a healthy lawn, while conserving our precious resources.

Recently, Holliday Park installed vinyl siding which will last for years, and will help to conserve heat in the winter months and cooling in the summer months. Holliday Park also considers energy efficient furnaces and hot water tanks in their replacement programs. The fact that we are surrounded on two and a half sides by our beautiful nature center provides us the natural protections. Trees provide natural cooling for the numerous townehouses along the Holliday Park Nature Preserves.

These are just a few simple suggestions to get you started, here at Holliday Park, and at your office, or wherever you go. We must all do our part to create a cleaner, safer and eco-friendly environment for ourselves and the generations to come.

Do you want to enjoy a more leisurely life or just be a little more lazy? Are you ready to give up cutting the grass? (I’ve done that.) Do you worry about your heart when shoveling the snow? Are you tired of paying the high cost of heating a home? Do you have to hire people to maintain your house? Are you looking for an opportunity to relax and spend more time playing cards, going to parties, traveling, or finding new friends for lunch? (These activities have a big place in my life!) Do your high house taxes cut into your savings? Are your savings getting depleted further by paying high rent and/or association fees?(Not for me!) Do you have a giving spirit, and are you looking for a way to volunteer close to home? (Volunteering fulfills my needs to be of value and to think about more that just myself!)

If you answered “Yes” to even some of these questions, we may have a solution for you over here at Holliday Park Towne Houses Cooperative, located on Wayne Road, just south of Joy Road, in Westland, Michigan. Let’s see how living at Holliday Park satisfies your desire for a leisurely, enjoyable life:

Holliday Parkers’ are able to live a relaxing life, free from a lot of home ownership worries. That is probably why so many of our members live to a ripe old age.

You can leave your lawn mowers behind. Holliday Park contracts out our grass cutting. All the lawns are cut once a week from mid-April through mid-October. Bushes, if they belong to Holliday Park, are also cut by our contractors.

Do bring along one snow shovel, as the member is responsible to shovel and salt just their own porch, and the short walk leading from the porch to the main sidewalk. (Every snowstorm brings out young entrepreneurs eager to clean off your porch!) All the rest — the main sidewalks and the 27 parking lots are taken care of by our maintenance department. Plowing and salting the streets that encircle our homes — Fountain Blvd., Spring Valley and Wildwood — are shared by the City of Westland (these streets are dedicated to the City; we pay taxes on them), and by our maintenance department.

You won’t suffer a stroke getting the heating bill here, because your heat is included in your monthly charge. Right now, Holliday Park contracts directly with Consumers Power; but, when it is to our advantage, we buy the gas on the open market. There is one general meter, and the cost is pro-rated.

It is so nice not to have to worry about appliances, hot water heaters, furnaces, plumbing, fixing door knobs, or squeaky doors, as this maintenance is all included in your monthly reasonable carrying charge.

There is no end to the Social Activities here. All it takes is a volunteer to start and coordinate the activity. To give you an idea of some of the social events, we have: Euchre, Pinochle, Dominoes, Texas Hold ‘Em, Movie Night, Golf Club, Book Club, Koffee Klutch, Travel Club, and parties for all occasions. There is a tennis court and a large swimming pool, as well as outdoor gazebos and a pleasant walk around the complex of approximately one mile.

If these activities are not sufficient, you can travel just 2 miles to our Westland Friendship Center where you will find every conceivable activity, or to the Library, the Bailey Center or Skate Park where there are activities for all ages, adults and children. There is an ice skating arena near by and in the winter, skiing is as close as a 20 minute drive to Brighton.

From a financial perspective, property taxes are based on the value of our units, but they are included in your reasonable monthly charges, as we are non-profit.

Our monthly carrying charges (rent) are kept reasonable due to the fact that we are a non-profit corporation, and because we have a very wise and conservative Board of Directors and Property Manager. Our Co-op was established as a 213, which means it is for moderate income people, not a low-income project. Our monthly charges range from $240 for the one bedroom ranch style to $358 for the largest three bedroom, two-story style.

Come join us for a consistently “Good Life” or as Holliday Parkers’ like to call it–-a vacation from inflation!

Programs and committees at Holliday Park have a way of turning into positive experiences, while accomplishing a task at the same time. Nothing is ever just a tedious job; rather, assigned work becomes one more way to get to know a new friend or to just plain enjoy a great conversation.

Holliday Park started a voluntary Neighborhood Watch Night Patrol Program in early 1996 to help keep our complex a safe one. We started with only about 14 participants. The comment then, was – “Who would be so crazy as to go out in the middle of the night and drive around Holliday Park to patrol?” Well, that comment soon went by the wayside, as the number grew and grew every month; until now we have approximately 260 patrols. These wonderful people take turns driving our small maintenance truck to go on night patrol. There are teams out there every single night. Can you believe that some people actually look forward to going out for this patrol? It is a kind of social event.

The Coordinator of the Night Patrol Program is always amazed at the dedication of the patrols. While they do their job with enthusiasm and even a spirit of fun, the patrols actually take their position very seriously. It is their diligence that has contributed to Holliday Park being such a safe community in which to live. While the volunteer-patrols in no way promise security – as that is the job of the Westland Police Department –their presence does serve as a preventive to would-be-thieves. The patrols are no further than a telephone call away from the police, should police action be needed.

Being a patrol participant has a number of pleasant fringe benefits… namely, bringing people together who otherwise would not have had such an opportunity, and the satisfaction of having contributed to the safety of our community. These comments, made by the patrols, speak for themselves:

My wife and I are so busy all day that this time alone gives us an opportunity to just be together and talk.

My patrol-partner goes to Mexico every year, and when he returns, he has so much to share with me about his trip on our patrol night.

My patrol-partner has been a life-long friend. But, our daily lives are so busy that we do not have enough time to just enjoy each other. So, we look forward to our patrol night to catch up on all the news.

I feel like I am really contributing something worthwhile by going out at night, and looking out for all those members who are sound asleep in their beds.

It is so peaceful and quiet at night – looking at the stars and moon is a beautiful experience.

Although I never knew my patrol-partner before being assigned a night, we have become good friends, go out to lunch together, and have made a commitment to walk the mile around our co-op at least three times a week, to stay in shape and be healthier.

Even though I am giving up my sleep a few times a year, I get so much more back in return, realizing that my efforts are helping to keep our community safe.

It’s kind of a powerful feeling—seeing all that is going on here with everyone else (mostly) asleep, and knowing that I am doing something to “pay it forward” for my neighbors and friends, and myself as well.

This is a small sacrifice to make for the large benefits that come from this service. We are the eyes and ears of our cooperative community, when we patrol, and we take this responsibility very seriously.

I never realized how peaceful it can be with the snow falling all around us, so silently.

Most of us have heard in our childhood that it is better to give than to receive. Holliday Park Night Patrols certainly experience what it’s like to “give back.” Everyone who moves into Holliday Park is welcome to join our voluntary program. Come and view the moon and stars in a new light!

Did you know that Westland, Michigan, is a place where citizens get involved to protect our natural resources? Since, over 20 miles of Middle Rouge River tributaries pass through our city, encircling Holliday Park Co-operative and other beautiful populated areas; it is of vital concern to all of us that these disappearing wetlands are kept clean and undisturbed. The Holliday Nature Preserve Association was formed for this purpose, and every year thousands of volunteers of all ages gather to clean the river and repair the trail systems. This is done so that we may all continue to enjoy this “green treasure” in our community, as well as, keeping the habitat for Red Fox and so many other kinds of wild life, intact.

Volunteers from Holliday Park and throughout Westland can tell you that over 20 years ago, the phosphorous in fertilizer that people applied to their lawns to enhance the growth and “green healthy appearance”, began poisoning the river, and killing or forcing its inhabitants to leave. Laundry detergent and even dish washing soaps, were also adding to the problem. The more than 500 acres of forests and wetlands in Westland had to be saved, and then maintained. We all use the area for picnics, hikes and to observe nature. It was time to give something back. Some Westland residents donated large sums of money, and others sought the help of the Wayne County Parks Department. It took a huge effort to get the water clean, and then encourage the wildlife to return. It continues to be a challenge everyday.

Today, many of our co-operative members from Holliday Park, and citizens from all over the city and neighboring communities, are still working with environmental groups, church groups, scout troops, schools and many other organizations, to keep phosphorous and other poisons and refuse from polluting these waterways and larger ones, throughout the State of Michigan. We hope to get laws passed, with the help of the Westland residents, our State legislators and others that would make the use of products that leach phosphorous into the water, illegal. 27 States have already accomplished this goal. To achieve a healthy sustainable environment, we must keep working together in great and small ways, until the only thing that enters these waterways, is supposed to be there.

The Holliday Nature Preserve is a unique and special place to experience. Visit soon and you will see thousands of reasons to get involved and contribute to its well-being.

A “Cooperative” is more than the word implies; it is a coming together of unique and talented individuals, all of whom bring special qualities, viewpoints and skills to this great mix of human beings, who live in Holliday Park. It is a privilege to reside in a place where ideas abound, progress takes place, and each season offers new and interesting activities, and opportunities to interact with other members.

An excellent example of this “coming together of great minds” would be an  event that took months to plan, by as many as 10-12 people, and involved the combined efforts of nearly 150 people, to accomplish. Does this happening have a name, and was the outcome worth the effort? A unanimous YES, is the answer to both questions.

When the idea of a yard sale that every Holliday Park family (all 694) could participate in, prosper from, and enjoy, was suggested; it was based upon a desire to gather the entire membership together for the purpose of great fun and social-interaction, along with presenting an opportunity to invite the wonderful community–at-large, in Westland, Michigan, to be our guests and be received as welcome participants in the event and perhaps, future friends and neighbors.

The Board of Directors and Social Chairperson agreed to support the idea with the kind of energy which is required for any venture to come to fruition and achieve its goals.

A group of volunteers then came together, and within weeks the specific plan, which included Sign-Up Sheets, Paid Participant Emblems, Display Information, dates, times, and a campaign for advertising, were all in place. Every volunteer, on the committee, brought amazing ideas for themes, parking and logistical problems, display etiquette, and much more. Several people agreed to collect the participation fees, and distribute all pertinent information. This required a great deal of strategic planning, which was carried out with great enthusiasm.

Our most learned “advertising” specialist placed the ads. The computer guru among us, got us internet ads on Craigslist, Around Town Community Calendar, The Observer News and more, and created all of the art work for each kind of promotional poster and fliers, and even the NO PARKING signage was artsy and friendly.

Another creative person took the Chairperson’s seat, with courage to face the unknown. We had never had any activity of this magnitude before, but he was undaunted and soldiered on. He knew that Australia had these events, where people wandered from location to location to purchase items that were offered for sale, and the Aussies’ called them “Walk-About’s”; and therefore, the title Walk-About Yard Sale was born (or borrowed).

Every member who wished to participate was directed to put their treasures on display in front of their home, or in a high visibility area near their sidewalk. The large green park side areas of the community were also available for multi-family sales. People thought of inventive and attractive display techniques and one family, not only offered for sale a beautiful piano; they made it “prominent” by locating it on the back of an open truck bed, ready for delivery. Needless to say, the piano was one of the first items to sell, and many others followed.

Perhaps the most PRICELESS PART of this entire process was the RE-Kindled Spirit of our Holliday Park family. Neighbors saw, mingled, laughed and had a great time with other neighbors and guests. Something magical was in the air, and it remains, today.

The Walk-About Yard Sale exceeded all expectations, and was all that we had hoped for and so much more. We have now had 3 of these yard sales and this event  has been added to the ever-growing list of annual events, and occasions. Residents of the Westland community attended in large numbers, and they will be back to find more treasures, and perhaps to join us, in membership at this truly engaging and viable community of doers and volunteers.

While our cooperative, Holliday Park (Holliday with two “l’s”) is named after a person, William P. Holliday, it is also a place where the holidays (with one “l”) are well-celebrated. Remembrances are made of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas, which seem to overlap in the chronology of their celebrations. Some members put up brightly-lit displays in front of their homes and in their windows for all to enjoy. One creative neighbor set up a row of lighted peppermint sticks which are almost four feet tall. During the day, they are a festive red and white stripe, but at night, when lit, they become lovely shades of pink, green, red and blue pastel colors, and shimmer with a soft glow. Another member has an inflatable snowman, of huge proportions, and although it is securely attached to the frozen ground, at night, it lights up and seems to dance with the kind of glee that is fitting for this wondrous time of year.

Staff and volunteers string lights along the foliage lining the beautiful clubhouse that graces the street as you drive into the complex. A holiday party is held for members at the clubhouse, in fact it’s TONIGHT and often there is a hilarious “white elephant gift exchange” where members “re-gift” with glee, their oddly gotten treasures from past celebrations and other special moments in their lives.  A great good time is always had by all.  The  staff and management attend a festive, holiday dinner and each year its held at a favorite place where a delicious meal and lots of laughter are shared and enjoyed. It is a special time in an area of Michigan that is usually gifted with a lovely white Christmas and holiday season.

Nearby, at Hines Park, a part of the William P. Holliday Nature Preserve, a spectacular shining sequence of delightful holiday scenes and figures attract thousands of cars, packed with wide-eyed viewers and wonder-filled children. It is such a sight to see, and the line of cars goes on for miles as families, young and old, drive through this county-sponsored display, which grows larger every year.

Holliday Park is a nice place to spend the holidays. Those who may be alone, because families live far away, somehow find “new family members” in the neighborhood, who share the cheer and kindness that is especially prevalent at this time of year. It is cold in Michigan; yet Holliday Park is “warm and cozy!” Those who desire a true feeling of community may find it here at holiday time, and year-round!

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